The electronic cigarette gives the appearance of a genuine like a stronger, that the cessation makes even the impression of the usual Habituses carrying known dimensions to a not inconsiderable proportion of blame so difficult.
An electric cigarette – like the Liquid Pen Shop model or Power Slim – is to be distinguished visually unambiguously and immediately from a real cigarette. It ensteht nowhere is the impression you smoke. The shallow mouthpieces are pleasant between the lips and make the e – vaping more enjoyable.
Ultimately, it is up but always his own sense of what design of the e- cigarette models coming for you on the short list.
There are no long-term scientific studies that clearly show that the electronic cigarette is as a smoking cessation agent geeigent. Therefore, we want to be understood this paragraph as our opinion of Liquid shop and not as a scientifically proven statement:
An electronic cigarette can be used in contrast to a conventional cigarette with e-liquid , with which one can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine. This gives the e – steamer the possibility of the body in measured steps to wean from nicotine , with the result that the purely physical withdrawal much less dramatic impact than the abrupt Aufhöhren.
In addition, the retention of the habit is helpful to have something after coffee or a beer in his hand, that simulates a cigarette while the body gets used to smaller and smaller doses of nicotine through to nicotine-free e-liquid in the electric cigarette. This clinging to the habit can one neither a patch nor a chewing gum with nicotine so supportive convey how an electric cigarette.
However, all these assumptions imply that the user is an electric cigarette responsibly to handle it , no more frequent e-smoking than before, and especially does not use e-liquid with ultra high nicotine concentration. Liquid Store corporate policy , it is therefore offer no e-liquid with extra high nicotine concentration.